RCM Robinson Capital Management LLC

Housekeeping For Your Taxable Accounts 

This is the sixth installment of a 10-week series on financial matters to address before year-end.  

It’s time to tote up your portfolio winners and losers for 2006!

 You’ll pay capital gains tax, as the name implies, on investments you sold at a profit. If you held the asset for less than a year – short-term capital gains – you’ll pay ordinary income tax, which could be as high as 35 percent, depending on your tax bracket, plus your state rate. Assets held longer than a year are subject to long-term capital gains tax, a lower rate of 15 percent for most investors and as low as 5 percent for taxpayers in the two lowest brackets.

 The IRS lets you use up to $3,000 in realized losses to offset profits from investment sales. If you have more than $3,000 in losses, you can apply the unused amount the following year and any year after until it’s used up. 

Check your 2005 tax return Schedule D to see if you have any credit for losses remaining. The next step is to review your trading so far this year to determine whether you have a net loss or net gain. If your losses outweigh your gains by less than $3,000, you may want to take the opportunity to sell investments with large unrealized gains, especially if you need to do so to rebalance your portfolio. If you gained more than you lost, you may now have a reason to sell underperforming investments that you haven’t had the heart to cull.

One caveat: Under the wash-sale rule, you cannot claim a loss on an investment if you buy substantially identical shares 30 days before or 30 days after the trade. So selling an energy stock and then buying an energy stock within 30 days before or after disallows the loss, because you haven’t changed the make-up of your portfolio. You’ve simply generated losses. 

Next week: Family Gatherings ‘Round The Estate Plan



RCM Robinson Capital Management LLC, Securities America, Inc, 27 Reed Boulevard, Mill Valley, CA 94941

(phone) 415-771-9421       (fax) 415-762-1980