RCM Robinson Capital Management LLC
Model Portfolios



Balanced Growth


Balanced Income

Capital Preservation

Fixed Income


Balanced Income
Appropriate for the investor who seeks both modest capital appreciation and income from his/her portfolio. This investor will have either a moderate time horizon or a slightly higher risk tolerance than the most conservative investor in the conservative range. While this range is still designed to preserve the investor's capital, fluctuations in value may occur from year to year.
  US Large Stock 
8% large growth (2 funds)
8% large value (2 funds)
US Small Stock 
4% small growth
4% small value
2% emerging growth
US Mid Stock 
4% mid blend (growth/value)
  International Stock
3% large growth
4% large value
3% emerging growth
18% limited term govt. (1-3yr duration)
12% govt. bonds
12% all bond (diversified high grade)
12% corporate (high grade)
6% corporate (high yield)
 These sample portfolios are not intended to represent investment advice that is appropriate for all investors. Each investor's portfolio must be constructed based on the individual's financial resources, investment goals, risk tolerance, investing time horizon, tax situation and other relevant factors. The categorization of sample portfolios as "fixed income", "capital preservation", "balanced income", "balanced", "balanced growth", "growth", and "aggressive growth" is relative. Foreign investing has special risks, including currency exchange fluctuations, foreign taxes and possible delays in settlement


RCM Robinson Capital Management LLC, Securities America, Inc, 27 Reed Boulevard, Mill Valley, CA 94941

(phone) 415-771-9421       (fax) 415-762-1980